To be leadership of spa school
and generate the best professional.
iconMSI Thai Massage and Spa School

      MSI Thai Massage and Spa School is a private school established in line with the government’s policies to create jobs for people at both individual and group levels. We, MSI Thai Massage and Spa School will continue to adhere to our mission to train our students on both traditional and modern health spa therapy. We are committed to ensuring high-quality education for our students and meet the standards of the international spa industry. MSI Thai Massage and Spa School does not only promote the best development of each student’s intellectual capabilities but also heighten Thailand’s educational standard accordingly. We also place special emphasis on educating students on work-related social skills including work ethics and moral principle which are the most important skills sought.



To be leadership of spa academy and generate the best professional


      Circle means holistic approach for better health of mind, body and spirit which cannot be fostered separately, similar to the foundation of CMSA which is endless development for better educational progress. Two clasping hands means support, thoughtfulness, integrity and mixture of all necessary components in which will lead to a perfect harmonization life. Canna Indica is the Academy’s flower which means auspiciousness and protection.


      MSI Thai Massage and Spa School is a vocational institute dedicated to educating students through particular emphasis upon academic excellence and ethical values. We seek to produce workforce who have skills and abilities to make a positive contribution to the society in which they live and work.


To produce quality students on health spa therapy with great emphasis on ethical values.

To become a reliable source of health spa knowledge and related technology.

To serve community as a source on health spa knowledge.

To become a high-standard holistic spa institute.